10 Ways to motivate your employees through listening, According to Harriet Diamond and Linda Eve Diamond from Their book called Motivating and Rewarding employees


Listening, according to Harriet Diamond, and Linda Eve Diamond, in their fantastic book called perfect phrases for motivating and rewarding employees.  Published by Mcgraw Hill, 2006. before the USA economic meltdown because of faulty loans on houses.      Their book is probably available on http://www.amazon.com

Here are 10 phrases you can use that help you listen better from page 66 of their book.


1. “Let’s talk in here, where we won’t be interrupted

2. If I understand you correctly, what you’re saying is …

3. You’ve made a lot of interesting points, I’d like to summarize to be certain I’ve understood

4. “That’s an interesting idea, let’s explore it at our next meeting.

5. “I have” /turned off my phone/ “so we can talk without interruption

6. “I like that idea, tell me more”

7. …“is something wrong? “

8. “How would that work?”

9. “I’m sorry if I misunderstood you, let’s see where we can go from here. “

10. “please explain what you were thinking on that.”    


One thought on “10 Ways to motivate your employees through listening, According to Harriet Diamond and Linda Eve Diamond from Their book called Motivating and Rewarding employees

  1. Please don’t click on an offer to make a gazillion dollars an hour, that somehow got on my site. To quote Kim Komando, the Digital guru, “If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS. Those offers are a trick. Beware. And keep trying. 🙂

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