Basic English Clarifying questions

Engish phrases to say Intermediate level, English training, Uncategorized

Clarifying questions. 

Once I was at McDonald’s in Noborito Japan. And I ordered something with my friend David who has MUCH BETTER Japanese than I do and did.  Way better. A million gazillion times better.  Like comparing a whale to a minnow. YOu know? so I just ordered. I didn’t understand everything the cashier said, but just winged it.  

then David ordered.  So He didn’t understand something and asked Nani? /what??/  in order to clarify.  THAT is why his Japanese is better. He is not afraid to ask questions if he doesn’t understand. I was too proud.

If you are learning language, don’t be proud.  Ask Clarifying questions. You will learn faster. Even native speakers ask questions.  So why shouldnImager’t you?